The essay I choose was called “A Hire purpose of the Internet”. This is about how all the different ways people use the internet, and how kids also use/used the internet. It also explains to us how that now a days everything like job applications, sites for work, etc. is all on the internet.  It’s also about how elementary kids compared to college kids use the internet differently. We as college students use it to our knowledge, like class work, writing essays, and looking up information for a project or something. Whereas elementary kids use it to their best ability. I think that in order for them to learn how to use it they should be taught how to do so. I choose this essay because I think that it reflects on how I used the internet when I was younger and how I see other people using the internet. It makes me look back to see what I did on the internet and how I use it now. A lot of things in society today are now online, like I said job applications, the websites or apps you use for work, etc.

I consider this source reliable because a college student and class did the research and wrote all about the different uses of the internet, between them, younger kids, and older adults. Also a lot of people use the site that I used, the UNE library Services.

Some connections that I found between some essays are Anderson and Wasik. When Anderson talks about how google is making us dumber, but younger kids are learning how to use the internet effectively. Another thing is when Wasik made something out of nothing. The internet to me is just letting us do so. We are using it for many reasons that aren’t the way we should be but we do anyways. Wasik’s essay talks a lot about how he makes the mobs, and memes and it just makes me think that we go do things that aren’t important to our lives and think that it’s okay to do so.