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Revision #3

My strategy to making my essay better this time is to plan out what I’m going to write about before I start writing. I think this will help me think of different things first before I just put a bunch of thoughts onto one paper. My goal for this essay is to put down what I think is best, and then write about those things. Then once I do that I think that if I can read through it and make changes, my essay would be well put together. Some steps that I will take to reach this goal is to start out by like I said making a plan for an essay. I will write on a separate sheet of paper my own ideas about the essay topic. Writing this will help me because it will make me think about what I thought about this essay had to do with, then I can compare what it really is. My biggest challenge is trying to finds things to talk about that I haven’t already started to talk about or even put into another essay. I think that I sometimes try to find different topics to talk about but then they all come together into the same thing, and I end up talking about the same things over and over again. This is a big challenge because my essay just loops around to each topic, and I think that it should at least have something different within each paragraph. Even though the essay goes together, I just think that making each topic sentence or claim different and saying different things would make the essay much better. If I run into a big problem I would go see Amy my writing lab teacher, or I would email my english professor.

“My Crowd Experience” Bill Wasik

  1. PG #480 “What the internet has done to change culture-to create new, viral culture-is to archive trillions of our communications, to make them linkable, trackable, searchable, quantifiable, so they can serve as ready grist for yet more conversation” To me this is just saying that our internet sources are helping reach out to different people, places, or things in life, by using the internet to our disadvantage. It really makes me think that I can be using something else, going to see that person, place, or thing to talk to our about.

PG #487 “MOB #7 went on exactly as planned; but to gather a crowd on New York’s streets never felt quite the same, and I knew my days making mobs were dwindling fast” Once something is up and going and everyone has done it at least once or twice, after a little while their going to get sick of it really quickly. They don’t understand what it is at first, and then once they figure it out and try it, it gets distracting and boring, so they want something new. Throughout his essay each mob was a little bigger and was getting more people each time.

2. The internet expand Bill Wasik because he used the internet to reach out to all these fellow people in town. So many people joined, so we can tell how many people actually use the internet during the day. The internet helps him because he can reach out to so many people other than just people he knows. There are so many ways to reach many different people and Wasik found that way by reaching out to so many people on the internet, who then reached out to more people.

3. When I first read this I felt as if he did accomplish something, but after reading it all, I think he really didn’t anything. He convinced lots of people to do it but I feel that he could have done something better than a flash mob. Lots of people wanted something new so they thought this would be something new, but after a while like I said it gets boring, so they want something new again. Like when the guy came in with the PEACE they thought that since it was something new and actually important to the world, they should do it. Wasik made something out of nothing and to me it was completely not important to anything.  But also if I was in the position of those people and didn’t have anything to do because they were bored, then I would go try something new. Wasik made something so small, so big really quickly.

Evaluating a source

The essay I choose was called “A Hire purpose of the Internet”. This is about how all the different ways people use the internet, and how kids also use/used the internet. It also explains to us how that now a days everything like job applications, sites for work, etc. is all on the internet.  It’s also about how elementary kids compared to college kids use the internet differently. We as college students use it to our knowledge, like class work, writing essays, and looking up information for a project or something. Whereas elementary kids use it to their best ability. I think that in order for them to learn how to use it they should be taught how to do so. I choose this essay because I think that it reflects on how I used the internet when I was younger and how I see other people using the internet. It makes me look back to see what I did on the internet and how I use it now. A lot of things in society today are now online, like I said job applications, the websites or apps you use for work, etc.

I consider this source reliable because a college student and class did the research and wrote all about the different uses of the internet, between them, younger kids, and older adults. Also a lot of people use the site that I used, the UNE library Services.

Some connections that I found between some essays are Anderson and Wasik. When Anderson talks about how google is making us dumber, but younger kids are learning how to use the internet effectively. Another thing is when Wasik made something out of nothing. The internet to me is just letting us do so. We are using it for many reasons that aren’t the way we should be but we do anyways. Wasik’s essay talks a lot about how he makes the mobs, and memes and it just makes me think that we go do things that aren’t important to our lives and think that it’s okay to do so.

Brainstorming Idea

There are many connections that are happening between the two different articles that we are reading in class. These articles are “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era” by Richard Restak and “In Defense of Distraction” by Sam Anderson are discussing how today our world is very distracted by technology. Not only is there distraction because of technology but also many more things, and they all impact our society today. In Restak’s article he talks about the brain, like ADD/ADHD and how people are diagnosed with it and how it impacts there focus and technology is not helping them because they can get easily distracted. But on the other hand Anderson said that technology may be a good thing, because everybody gets distracted. There’s really nothing to do about it and we can’t stop using technology or even anything to help people get distracted.

Revision Strategy

My strategy to making my essay better this time is to add lots of quotes and questions so that I have more to elaborate on and talk about. In order for me to have a good essay or have enough evidence I pay attention to my structure of sentences and paragraphs because sometimes I ramble on and on about things. Also I get distracted, so when I get distracted I tend to lose track of what I was trying to say or write about. My goal is once I start to write or plan my essay I want to be able to sit down and do it without being distracted or leave from my thoughts and go do something else. I want to be able to do something in one sitting and be able to think of something to write about within a certain amount of time period. Some steps that I will take to accomplish this goal is to start out with trying to do other homework in one sitting without getting distracted and doing something else. I think by starting out smaller than writing an essay first will help me because I can grow into it, without just jumping right into typing a six page essay. This would help me because I will be able to think of little things before big things, but it will allow me to try something new and learn new things. My biggest challenge trying to find things to talk about in a short manner of time and doing my essay in time for the due date. I think that I sometimes wait til later to do it so I feel really stressed about and try to rush through it, so then there isn’t a lot of ideas, evidence, or proof in the essay. This is a big challenge because one time that I do my essay late I feel that I’m going to not do it and then i’ll be behind on my work and losing points for not doing my essay. I just think that if I get my work done without being distracted or do something else while I’m doing it I would be more likely to finish it. To solve a big problem like I said before I would meet with Amy or I would go to a teacher for help, also maybe ask my peers to help me through something, depends on what it was.

Blog Post

My first impression on ePortfolio was thinking that it looked a little difficult.  I thought that it was going to take a lot of time to figure out how to use it and see what everything was.  Also thought that not knowing anything about ePortfolio made it a little bit more difficult to understand what you had to do and how to figure it out.  I feel like ePortfolio would be able to do well in some cases but in others there are many different feelings and downfalls to using  it.  For me I would much rather use pen and paper, because it’s much easier for me to plan out what I’m trying to write.  I am more of a mind mapping person, I like to write down all my thoughts then eliminate certain one’s that I feel don’t belong in there.  But with ePortfolio, I feel that trying to process something your trying to write would be very difficult adding into things.

To me pen and paper is a much better thing for me because like I said I like to put my thoughts down before I start writing.  Also I feel like if your trying to brainstorm sometimes your thoughts wouldn’t come to you as soon as you think of them.  Some things I would like to try out on this website is figuring out how to use everything and share my opinions with everyone, and maybe have them share their opinions with me.  If I was to type something like an essay I would like to use ePortfolio but just taking personal notes to me I would rather use pen and paper.  Other people may like doing it differently and different strategies may work for them but pen and paper for me is much easier and more efficient to me.

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